“Computational Science route – Application domain “Complex Systems”
This route is suitable for students with broad backgrounds (physics, informatics,
mathematics, but also biology, finance, sociology, neuroscience, etc.) interested
in the modeling and analysis of Complex systems.
In this route students enroll in the “Computational Science Master's programme (within the Informatics Institute).
The master involves (i) a 24EC compulsory component , (ii) a 30EC “restricted-choice” component, (iii) a 24EC “free-choice”
component, and (iv) a research thesis of 42EC.
For the application domain in “Complex systems”, students are recommended to select some of their restricted-choice and free-choice courses among the following courses*:
*program subject to further modifications.
Amsterdam PI’s interested in supervising CPCS MSc projects:
Name | Institute(s) | webpage | |
Greg Stephens | VU/Physics of Life | g.j.stephens@vu.nl | webpage |
Chase Broedersz | VU/Physics of Life | c.p.broedersz@vu.nl | webpage |
Y. Artzy-Randrup | UvA/IBED | y.a.artzy-randrup@uva.nl | webpage |
Mazi Jalaal | UvA/WZI | m.jalaal@uva.nl | webpage |
Clelia de Mulatier | UvA/ITFA & UvA/IvI | c.m.c.demulatier@uva.nl | webpage |
Sara Jabbari Farouji | UvA/ITFA | s.jabbarifarouji@uva.nl | webpage |
Bela Mulder | AMOLF | mulder@amolf.nl | webpage |
Pieter Rein ten Wolde | AMOLF | tenwolde@amolf.nl | webpage |
Corentin Coulais | UvA/WZI | c.j.m.coulais@uva.nl | webpage |
Edan Lerner | UvA/ITFA | e.lerner@uva.nl | webpage |
Jácome Armas | UvA/ITFA & DIEP | j.armas@uva.nl | webpage |
For additional information contact: e.lerner@uva.nl