
Viscoplastic Fluids: from theory to application

Viscoplastic fluids are materials that present a unique feature: they exhibit solid-like properties but also flow like a viscous fluid once a minimum threshold stress (the yield stress) is surpassed. Examples of viscoplastic fluids include suspensions, jammed emulsions, foams, and gels. Such materials are relevant in a multitude of applications, ranging from food to cosmetics, energy, and biomedical sciences. The behavior of such materials has intrigued scientists for many decades and is still the subject of extensive theoretical, numerical, and experimental research efforts. The main goal of this workshop (the 10th of the series, celebrating 20 years of fantastic scientific exchange) is to bring together the interdisciplinary community that works in various fields dealing with viscoplasticity. With insights from the academic community and industry, we aim to discuss recent developments in the field, identify current challenges and open problems, and determine the way forward for research in this area.

For further information regarding the program, the invited speakers or the registration process, check the link Viscoplastic Fluids Workshop.