Data-driven approach to develop active filament model for self-propelled worms
Recently, living worms such as T. tubifex and California blackworms have gained attention as experimental model systems for self-propelled active filaments [1,2]. Early studies suggest these worms can be modeled by physically motivated active polymer models, where filaments are driven by tangential forces along their backbone, enabling self-propulsion. However, our recent findings indicate that such models capture worm dynamics only qualitatively [3]. In more complex environments, data-driven models offer the potential to capture their intricate dynamics more accurately.
In this internship, you will use data-driven approaches to develop more realistic models of worm dynamics, allowing for time- and space-dependent active forces as well as transverse force fluctuations. The novel model developed through this data-driven approach can inform the design of biomimetic robotic worms with enhanced functionalities. This project involves using the high-performance molecular dynamics software Hoomd-blue, along with code development for data analysis and AI algorithms. The work will be done in collaboration with Antoine Deblais (worm dynamics) and Alberto Perez de Alba Ortiz (machine learning).
- A. Deblais, A. C. Maggs, D. Bonn, and S. Woutersen. Phase separation by entanglement of active polymerlike worms. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124:208006 (2020)
- Chantal Nguyen, Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin, Harry Tuazon, Daniel. I. Goldman, M. Saad Bhamla, and Orit Peleg. Emergent collective locomotion in an active polymer model of entangled worm blobs. Frontiers in Physics, 9:540 (2021).
- Locomotion of Polymerlike Worms in Porous Media R. Sinaasappel, M. Fazelzadeh, T. Hooijschuur, S. Jabbari-Farouji, and A. Deblais, arXiv:2407.18805 (2024).
Dr. Sara Jabbari-Farouji s.jabbarifarouji@uva.nl at University of Amsterdam. You will be working in interdisciplinary computational soft matter lab.