Title: Sol-gel transition in model porous media
Speaker: Romane le Dizes (UvA)
The evaporation of complex fluids, such as jellifying suspensions of polymers or particles within porous media, exhibits intricate and fascinating phenomena relevant to a wide range of issues, from soil contamination to concrete formation and the preservation of historical monuments. For instance, solutions that undergo a sol-gel transition during evaporation are of particular interest to conservators, as they are used as stone consolidants. However, the influence of porous media heterogeneity on the sol-gel transition remains poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap, we have developed a novel pore network model that incorporates the local increase in viscosity observed during experiments with jellifying polymer solutions in 2D model porous media. This model allows us to explore the interplay between vapor diffusion, capillary effects, and liquid flow on the sol-gel transition and the dynamics of the evaporation front. We demonstrate how drying rate and percolation pathways are affected by local gelation of the polymers, with a specific focus on the role of pore-size distribution in these processes.
Title: Strain-stiffening of disordered spring networks under shear and expansive strains
Speaker: Zibin Zhang (UvA)
This seminar will take place in room C3.163