Curriculum vitae A. de Visser

Personal data:
Name: Antheunis (Anne) de Visser
Date of birth: 20 April 1957
Place of birth: Dinteloord en Prinsenland (The Netherlands)
Sex: Male
Marital status: Married (two children)
Nationality: Dutch
1969-1975: Reformatorisch College Blaise Pascal in Zaandam. Atheneum B examination in 1975.


Physics studies at the University of Amsterdam:
26 March 1982:  Masterdegree in Experimental Physics
Title master thesis: "The magnetization of condensed oxygen under high pressures and in strong magnetic fields", supervisor: Prof.dr. I.F. Silvera.
3 Dec. 1986: Ph.D. degree (cum laude) in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Title Ph.D. thesis: "UPt3, heavy fermions and superconductivity", supervisors: dr. J.J.M. Franse and Prof.dr. G. de Vries.
Positions held:
April 1980 - March 1981: Teaching assistant at the University of Amsterdam.
June 1982 - May 1986: Ph.D. student employed by the Dutch "Stichting FOM" (Foundation for Fundamental Research of Matter)
Dec. 1986 - May 1987: Post-doctoral researcher at the Centre de Recherches sur les Très Basses Températures (CRTBT) of the Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS) in Grenoble with a grant "Subvention pour chercheur étrangers de très haute niveau et de renommée internationale" of the Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie (France)
June 1987 - Nov. 1987: Post-doctoral researcher at the CRTBT-CNRS in Grenoble with a grant "Subvention de l'ambassade de France aux Pays-Bas".
Dec. 1987 - July 1988: Maitre de conference (university lecturer) at the University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France)
August 1988 - July 1993: Research fellow appointed by the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences).
Till 1 April 1989 at the CRTBT-CNRS in Grenoble
After 1 April 1989 at the "Natuurkundig Laboratorium" of the University of Amsterdam
August 1993 -Dec. 2006: University lecturer at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam
Jan. 2007 - present: Associate professor (UHD) at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam
Educational experiences and tasks:
1981: Degree as Qualified Teacher in Physics
1982-1986: During Ph.D. studies: supervisor of 3 master degree students in Experimental Physics
1986-1989: Supervisor of Ph.D. student A. Lacerda at the CRTBT in Grenoble
During 1989 teacher course on Applied Thermodynamics at the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble.
1989- .... Supervisor 7 master degree students in Experimental Physics
Supervisor 10 Ph.D. students
1994-2001 responsible for "Praktikum Natuurkunde II, Vaste Stof Fysica" (experiments solid state physics for 2nd year students)
1998-2000 lecturer "Werkcollege Klassieke Natuurkunde IC" (problem solving in classical physics for 1st year students)
2002-2003 lecturer "Klassieke Natuurkunde 1b" (Waves and vibrations, 1st year students)
2003-2010 lecturer Advanced Solid State Physics (master course)
2010- ...     lecturer Superconductivity (master course)
2013- ...     coordinator "Oreintatie Natuur- en Sterrenkunde"  (bachelor course)
1989-2010  Examination Board Physics and Astronomy